Perhaps Arne Norell’s most beautiful and luxurious design. Exclusive Scandinavian leather, combined with an elegant chrome plated frame makes it more than appealing to the eye. The straps are yet another detail that calls for attention. Ari was awarded “Showpiece of the year” in 1973 by the British Furniture Manufacturers in London. Each chair is handmade at our factory in Sweden with great care, all according to Arne Norell’s original drawings. The premium leather is from Tärnsjö Garveri, Sørensen, Elmo, and Ca-mo. Ari comes in a variety of colors and we also take special requests. The frame comes in satin or gloss finish.
Chair: W65 x D93 x H77 (cm)
Ottoman: W65 x D50 x H34 (cm)
Frame: Chrome-plated steel.
Seat cushions: premium leather with padding of resilient foam and Dacron Hollofil.
Adjustable leather straps.
Optional: Cushions and straps in other colors.
Rótgróið sænskt fjölskyldufyrirtæki sem teygir sögu sína til ársins 1954. Öll húsgögnin eru handframleidd í Aneby, Sviþjóð. Mikil alúð er lögð í hverja vöru og eru þægindi, ending og tímalaus hönnun sett í forgang.
Fylltu út formið hér fyrir neðan til þess að bóka heimsókn.
Við getum tekið á móti þér alla virka daga.