215.625 kr. – 448.500 kr.
Badal is an aesthetically and environmentally beautiful rug. Our ambition is to have a transparent supply chain from the source of the wool in New Zealand to the spinning, dyeing, weaving, and washing. Each rug has a unique certification number that helps us keep track of the entire production process. Our Traceable Rugs are made to last a lifetime with a minimum impact on nature. Read more about our traceable rugs here.
Construction: Handwoven.
Yarn: New Zealand wool.
Warp: BCI Cotton (Better Cotton Initiative).
Weight: 3,3 kg /m2.
Short pile height: 20 mm.
Long pile height: 30 mm.
Description : A bohemian soft woolen rug with a modern design that is created by the different levels of the pile. A geometrical design that is pleasing to the eyes as well as for the feet when you walk on the rug. Handwoven in natural wool by skilled artisans this rug is suitable in all rooms of the home. Available in 3 standard sizes and made to measure. Contact us if you would like a rug specially woven for you.
Chhatwal & Jonsson er sænskt hönnunarfyrirtæki sem framleiðir vefnaðarvöru fyrir heimilið – framleitt til að endast alla ævi með gæðum og tímalausri hönnun.
Fylltu út formið hér fyrir neðan til þess að bóka heimsókn.
Við getum tekið á móti þér alla virka daga.